Encoding of PZN in Code 39

The Pharmazentralnummer (PZN) is the German tag according to § 300 SGB V which has to be affixed by the pharmaceutical entrepreneurs onto the outer pack of medicinal products in accordance with § 131 SGB V. This can be done via Code 39 and the PZN in clear print underneath.
Since 09.02.2019, it is possible to include the PZN into the machine readable Data Matrix Code (DMC). If Code 39 is omitted, the PZN must be affixed in clear print with the prefix “PZN: “.
The PZN coding in Code 39 on packs of medicinal products but also medical devices and other pharmacy-typical products provides machine readable identification and processing of PZN data in pharmacies and wholesalers.
You will find details and further information in the following documents:
Technical Information on PZN Coding – PZN in Code 39
PZN-Code technical specification
Technical Information on PZN Coding – Check Digit Calculations
PZN-Code technical specification